in Nov 21, 2019
Our friend and amazingly talented write, Funmi Fetto has been a shining light since we launched in 2017. Endlessly supportive, we're lucky to have her as a flower revolutionary. 
Your 3 favorite Sana Jardin fragrances? 
Tiger by her side, Savage Jasmine, Nubian Musk.

How do you hope your writing has influenced and empowered women of colour?
My approach has always been inclusive and I hope this has a positive impact. I believe women of all races should be seen and heard - one demographic should not take precedence over the other - so I write with the intention of  speaking to all while simultaneously working to level out the playing field. I hope, simply by being visible and being vocal  I can influence the beauty industry to be much more representative. 

What do you think about the recent trends of including more people of colour in editorial?
Well I do hope it is not a trend and it simply becomes the norm. But more than that, inclusivity in my mind is not just about people of colour, it’s about recognising there are different representations of beauty and the whole spectrum is equally valid.  I think this is really important - especially to younger generations. No one should feel marginalised and alienated.  Thankfully, the mindset around the concept of beauty has begun to evolve and expand. While there is still a way to go, I’m excited about the progress that is being made and the changes still to come.

What does living an ethical, sustainable lifestyle within the beauty space look like for you?
It is about asking questions…  Where do these products come from? How have the products been created? Are people paid fairly to help produce this brand? Or are the people at the bottom of the chain exploited? Do we really need all this packaging? What impact am I having on the planet? For me it is about constantly asking questions, taking responsibility and never taking anything for granted.

What is special about Sana Jardin to you?
I love that Sana Jardin supports and empowers women not just personally and consciously but economically  which is important because it is so tangible.  And it does it in a way that is not self-righteous, preachy or patronising. The brand is completely, utterly, authentic and inspiring. The quality of the scents and the branding is also sublime.  It proves that being‘conscious’and‘chic’needn’t be mutually exclusive.